The number 53 keeps appearing everywhere for me. Firstly and most obviously, I live at No. 53.
It happens several times a day that when I look at the time it's time:53 (as in 7 mins to the hour).
The other day I told people about this because the number kept coming up places. Tom said that it's the second no. 53 he's lived at, the house he lived in when he was younger was 53. In the kitchen there was a bottle of wine called 'BIN53'.

When I was telling my friend Fern, she was freaked out and when she looked down at her can of cider, the alcohol content was 5.3%
My housemate had that photography book with a photo that looked really like me. Take a guess at what page number that picture was on. Yep, 53.

The other morning, I had a message from someone who I'd met on a night out and the last 2 digits of his number was 53.
I had forgotten and wasn't sure but my mum just confirmed it: the house I grew up in for 10 years was '153'.
Today I did the lotto.