Monday 14 March. I'm told today is Steak and Blowjob day but I didn't cook steak or get steak cooked for me or eat steak or suck any cock. It's also pi day (3.14) but I didn't eat pie or solve any equations.
Ugh, I hate Charlie Sheen. Who does he think he is?
I spent alot of my time today printing some photos I did and they've come out a shit colour (literally the colour of shit) and all the detail is messed up. *dramatic sigh*
Maybe cause the setting was to large and I printed them small so when I print them big, theyll be good. Better be. Fucking hell.
Anyway, I loved your letter- you're so poetic! And I'm really proud of you about everything- overcoming your fear of speaking 'norwedish' and going out there and finding jobs. Sounded like such a great adventure, I wish I'd been there!
St Patrick's day is thursday and I must not have the luck of the Irish on my side because I found out today that I have TWO presentations to do on friday so I can't be hungover on friday so it's going to be shit. I'm so gutted. I wanted to drink Guinness and get one of those stupid pint hats again..
Jeez, I'm almost an whiny as you!
Can't wait to come home at Easter! We need to go off and have an adventure.
We should go somewhere... Like Listonvarna.
I'll be back on the 11th. I hope you'll be in Limerick. I'm flying into Dublin but I'll be with my mum because she's visiting my sister in england before she jets off the Malaysia and coming back to dublin on the same day as me. I only have to wait for 40 mins or something. I think I'll sit in Starbuck's and buy an overpriced coffee. At least I won't have to get that diabolical Kavanagh coach to Birdhill. Fuck that.
Hmmm what else.. Friday was weird. I went to A's and there was quite a few people there, all boys and we all just sat in his room and watched stupid videos while we got drunk, stoned and munched these flower seeds which got us fucked.
This one guy got really sick and went to sleep in the spare room and asked everyone before he left to make sure someone came in and checked on him later to see if he was still alive.
I stayed over, it was about 6am by the time everyone had slumped off and I was lying on his bed, falling asleep, too fucked to go home and he let me stay. I kicked this other guy out his room because me and A were both in the bed and this guy was just like, at the foot of the bed like a dog or something and had covered himself in various people's coats and had a pillow and it was obvious he was intending to try and sleep there, or was alseep. I kept kicking him cause I couldn't streach my legs out and it hurt and after a while I told him to go and sleep on the couch.
And no, we didn't fuck. Maybe that's good. I was glad I didn't have to go home.
Meanwhile, exhibition is soon and we're setting it up next week which means I only have a week to do everything. I took some great photos but as I said they seemed to have printed shit and the mould I made to cast in glass has broken. (i've been in the workshops) So I have alot to do. Ridiculous really. I really want my piece to be good.. But I probably won't even invite people to the launch cause It'll be shit and I'll be embarrassed.
I'm gonna go chill out downstairs.
PS. The photos are: me with a henna tattoo I got done at a henna party and a pile of my clothes which are all clourful, I like it but thought it'd annoy you cause you're a goth